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"Plasmine 256B intro" behind the scene

"Plasmine" is a 256B intro for Amstrad CPC.

It was released at LoveByte party on Sunday, February 11th 2024.

« Plasma. It's mine. Plasmine ! »

Backup of the archive submitted to the party right here.

Disclaimer : this article does not explain the "animation by scrolling" principle. Whoever wants to learn about it should first have look at Logon's Run - 3D meets the aging bits demo then read its making-of. Intention for today's article is clear : explanations to understand what's going on but the scroller. Source is not provided for some reasons (including : not optimized to the bones & not fully commented).


The screen is a heightmap - go to Wikipedia for details.

In the map above there are 256 levels on grayscale.

In Plasmine, height is a value from 2 to 32 (and 0-1 is deep blue at start).

A nice palette with coder's colors is used to refer this height :

Adding 4 heightmaps made of aztec pyramid patterns

Aztec Pyramid "Chichen-Itza". Source.

I'd better show the 4 maps on a video :

You may recall the squares from Logonite.

Yes it's exactly the same trick for animation. If we use pyramides as sprites, this would be:

The new feature compared to Logonite is : adding height value.

Let's have a close look - slowly :

Let's activate that magical scroll to animate the whole screen :

And last, let's remove those pauses to have real-time as in the released intro :

Et voilà !

Loop and add 8 times those 4 maps at random places to get Plasmine.

Overflow / Logon System

Thursday, January 29th 2024.


Feb 18

Merci pour la planète, Ça chauffe ma petite salle de bain ce truc

Feb 18
Replying to

En fond de teint ça marche aussi, plasmine pour avoir bonne mine. Et sinon dans la cuisine, comme alternative au café sans caféine.


Feb 17

Wow ! Merci pour ces explications très claires !!! Et bravo pour ce superbe plasma sur CPC !

Gameboy from LOGON'S RUN

 Overflow's RAndom Memory

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